The Work of the Spirit
A Word from Josh
When we’re going through a difficult time, we may wonder how we can know that the things we believe as followers of Christ are all true. Will our faith stand up to our tough questions?
About those difficult questions… this month’s series is “I Wish I’d Asked That,” and we will look at questions the disciples had for Jesus in the book of John—questions that are still of concern to us today. Rest assured: We have the truth. We can examine it with all the questions we have, and it will survive.
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This Month's Featured Resource from God Centered Life
This month at God Centered Life, we're offering a copy of Boasting by Josh Moody for your gift of any amount. This insightful book will challenge your thinking. Isn’t “boasting” something we should avoid? Then why does Paul tell us to “boast” in the Lord? In Boasting, Josh Moody offers a penetrating look at how to live a humble, God-centered life—and boast about the right things!
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GCL Articles
Christian Political Thought in a Tense US Election Year
By Josh Moody |
by Josh Moody I was recently browsing through (again) Oliver and Joan O’Donovan’s peerless From Irenaeus to Grotius: A Sourcebook in Christian Political Thought. For those who follow politics – whether in the USA, Britain, or indeed in France – the reason for such a perusal is probably obvious. For those who don’t, or wisely avoid political…
5 Inspiring Ways to Honor God This Summer
By Josh Moody |
by Dr. Josh Moody Summer is here. For some, that means an opportunity to take a vacation. For others, it means heat and stifling conditions in insufficiently air-conditioned workplaces. Family time away can be a wonderful blessing – or feel like more effort than a stay-cation where you remain home but take an occasional day…
How Should Christians React to the Gender Agenda?
By Josh Moody |
by Dr. Josh Moody I remember the moment when I was talking to a Yale University undergraduate. I was pastoring a church in New Haven, where Yale is located. We had many Yale students in our congregation. From time to time, they would come to me to talk about what was going on in their…